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Beginning a weight training program is one of the best decisions to make for your health, well-being, physical, and mentalperformance.

Weight training on a regular basis improves your strength, endurance, confidence, appearance, health, exercise-basics
longevity, and quality of daily living. Consistent weight training helps reduce your stress, manage your weight, strengthen your bones, lower your risk of injury, and gives you a competitive edge in all aspects of life. In this chapter, you find out why weight training benefits all bodies at every age and fitness level; why it’s important to assess your fitness and set goals; what tools to use; why safety measures are essential for a lifetime of enjoyable training; how to decide which exercises, routines, and training settings are right for you; and how to achieve total wellness beyond simply lifting weights.

Modern living provides every convenience except one: a lot of natural physical activity. From young to old, we ride in cars, use remote controls, step into elevators, play on the computer, and shop on the Internet. Many activities that required us to get up out of the chair and use our muscles no longer exist. The result: We need to add weight training to our lives to stimulate our bodies and our brains to keep us healthy and strong.

People of all ages — kids, teens, young adults, pregnant women, older adults, and people with special needs — benefit from weight training . The risks of doing nothing are greater than the risks of injury from exercise — even for the frail and elderly. Whether you’re a beginner who wants to get started safely or you’re already fit and want to improve your performance, weight training improves your current condition (whatever that is) and helps you achieve your goals of feeling stronger and better about yourself.
Strong muscles help us move better and avoid pain and injury at all stages of life. Weight training provides the following benefits:

- Increased strength and endurance
- Improved sleep
- Reduced stress
- Enhanced feelings of confidence and well-being
- Reduced risk of falls
- Strengthened bones
- Boosted metabolism for more energy burn around the clock
- Full, independent living

Because weight training strengthens your muscles and improves your muscular endurance, you’ll naturally have more energy to be more active throughout the day. When you’re physically tired, you’re able to fall asleep more easily and enjoy a deeper, better quality of sleep. As you’re more refreshed and energetic, you feel better and accomplish more, which improves your mood and confidence level. In this manner, your consistent training stimulates an upward cycle of well-being. Don’t wait. Absorb everything you need to know from this book to get going with a program that is perfect for you. Keep taking the steps you need to achieve stronger, more toned muscles for a fuller, more enjoyable and active life.

There are three specific areas of training that will help you become a better grappler:

technical knowledge,
the development of physical and mental attributes, and
the use of strategy.
Technical knowledge

Technical knowledge begins with the student learning a series of physical movements called techniques. Once these movements have been learned, the student should practice them until he/she can do them in their sleep. The student should try to reach a level where he/she can reflexively respond to a specific stimuli and perform the technique without thought. Next, a student must learn how to put the basic techniques together into a series of movements called combinations. These combinations will teach the student how to flow from technique to another when they encounter resistance. Resistance will guide them into the next area of training, the development of physical and mental attributes.

Attributes are those qualities that fuel the techniques. Physical attributes, like speed, power, explosiveness, balance, coordination, timing, sensitivity endurance and accuracy are the qualities that give life and vibrancy to techniques. Mental attributes, like focus, concentration, determination, the will to survive, and pain tolerance give extra added fuel to the physical attributes. Developing attributes is an extremely important and necessary component of training for the serious martial art student. Why? Because technical knowledge without the aid and assistance of physical and mental attributes is useless. Physical movements without the added fuel of speed, power, timing, accuracy or explosiveness are nothing more than a series of flowery dance movements. Developing these physical and mental qualities is more important than the accumulation of technical knowledge. Once technical knowledge has been combined with the development of physical and mental attributes, the student can begin to focus on the use of strategy.

Strategy can be defined as "a careful plan or method." It is the choosing of a specific set of tactics that will enable the student to accomplish their desired goal in an efficient and effective manner. The strategy they choose will depend upon the unique set of circumstances that have presented themselves. It will also depend on the amount of technical information the student has, as well as which attributes the student and his opponent possess.
So, "Where do I start?" you might ask? Well, you start by learning and practicing the mechanics of a specific technique. Next, you put some techniques together into two and three technique combinations. Next, you spar with it, and then finally, you review it. Here's an example of what I mean: let's start with the mechanics of a triangle and an arm lock. There are eight separate components of a triangle. There are seven separate components of an arm lock. To realistically put these two techniques together into an effective combination (while sparring) would require you to manipulate about fifteen different components within a short period of time (less than two seconds). Plus, you would have to set the first technique up by leading your opponent into it from a superior position. (As you can see, this is not an easy task to accomplish. Especially the first time you try it. This is why it is so important to master the mechanics of one technique before moving on to another one.) So, as you can see, this is a lengthy process. However, it is obtainable.

Once you can perform a technique reflexively where you no longer have to think about it, you can then move on to developing the specific attributes required to make that technique work.

Once you gain a handle on the mechanics and the attributes, you can then focus your efforts on developing a variety of strategies to set the technique up on a variety of opponents's. For example, how would you set up the technique on a bigger and stronger person? How would you set up the technique on a more experienced person? How do you set up the technique on an opponent who is faster than you are?

Do you see how strategies are dependent upon the physical and mental attribute and technical knowledge you possess? Do you see how technical knowledge and attributes lay a foundation for strategy?

Start this new journey of yours by first identifying your weaknesses. Once you've done that, attack those weaknesses like a wild chicken on crack! Get rid of those weaknesses so that you can one day look back on them and say,

Everything of value will come through great efforts on your part!


Disclaimer: This website is for information purposes only. By providing the information contained herein we are not diagnosing, treating, curing, mitigating, or preventing any type of disease or medical condition. Before beginning any type of natural, integrative or conventional treatment regime, it is advisible to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare professional.


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